UCSD CAPS Counseling and Psychological Services Preferred Provider Database

If you require urgent assistance, please call our Central Office at (858) 534-3755 and speak to our front desk (available 8:00AM to 4:30PM) to route your call to the appropriate service. After-hours, you can speak to a mental health counselor right away by calling the same number and selecting Option 2 when prompted. IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING A MEDICAL OR MENTAL HEALTH EMERGENCY, CALL 911, CALL UCSD CAMPUS POLICE AT(858) 534-4357, OR GO TO YOUR NEAREST HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM.

UCSD Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) maintains an extensive list of off-campus community resources. Individuals who might seek referrals include those with a personal need to seeking services off campus or those who have been recommended by a CAPS clinician for longer-term care, and/or more specialized care, depending on the adequate level of care.

*This referral list was generated from publicly available records. This list does not constitute an endorsement of services. This list is updated yearly to maintain accuracy. Please contact providers for the most updated information, including accepted insurances. *** If you have UC SHIP insurance, a referral will be required in order to utilize off-campus care. *** Please call UCSD Counseling and Psychological Services if you have additional questions at 858-534-3755

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